In 2014, it was all about the driftwood. Thousands of pieces, literally, thousands were gathered (at great personal risk I might add from various and sundry rivers), scrubbed, boiled (to get rid of the critters), dried and then sprayed with laquer. Then on to the drilling table for different sized holes for different sized plants.
OK, now to the fun stuff. We cut the bottoms out of many, many wine bottles. And we can claim, truthfully, that all of the wine in the bottles we used in 2014, was personally consumed by us and nary an AA meeting involved.
Bottles were handpainted and converted to hanging lamps using either led lights or wax candles.
And of course, we can't forget, won't forget, 'El Monstero'. You can see him in the thumnails, he's the one with the Budweiser Bottles hangin' down. We took a lot of guff about him, but you know, he sold in like 2 hours after we showcased him. Take that guffers!